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Honors College Abroad

Continue to progress your Honors degree while you are abroad!

Wildlife research&conservation

"Study abroad is a transformative experience. So many aspects of my own life have been shaped by the time I have spent in Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East: not only my teaching, my scholarship, and my perspective on international affairs, but also habits of daily life, such as the foods I enjoy and the broadcasts to which I listen each morning. Take advantage of the unique opportunities available through Georgia College and the John E. Sallstrom Honors College!"
- Dr. Brian Newsome, Dean

rome1Summer programs and semester options are available!

Scholarships: In addition to the standard study abroad scholarships, Honors College students may also apply for the Transformative Experience or Saladin Scholarships.
*The above represent some of your options. In addition, some courses have been pre-approved to make the process easier for you. If these programs do not meet your needs, email to schedule an appointment with an adviser today to explore alternatives!