Honors College Abroad
Continue to progress your Honors degree while you are abroad!
"Study abroad is a transformative experience. So many aspects of my own life have been shaped by the time I have spent in Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East: not only my teaching, my scholarship, and my perspective on international affairs, but also habits of daily life, such as the foods I enjoy and the broadcasts to which I listen each morning. Take advantage of the unique opportunities available through Georgia College and the John E. Sallstrom Honors College!"
- Dr. Brian Newsome, Dean
- GC France: Gender, Culture and The Good Life: An Interdisciplinary Exploration of Paris: May 11 - June 4, 2023. Note that this program usually fills up very quickly. The application deadline is Jan. 20, but you will want to apply very soon if this program appeals to you.
- Port Elizabeth, South Africa, Summer or Semester.
- Athens, Greece, summer or semester
- San Jose, Costa Rica, summer or semester
- Galway, Ireland, Summer Service-Learning program only.
- Semester options (study + SL) will resume 2023-24 (Discontinued for 2022-23)
Scholarships: In addition to the standard study abroad scholarships, Honors College students may also apply for the Transformative Experience or Saladin Scholarships.
*The above represent some of your options. In addition, some courses have been pre-approved to make the process easier for you. If these programs do not meet your needs, email studyabroadinfo@gcsu.edu to schedule an appointment with an adviser today to explore alternatives!